Thursday, March 27, 2008

Recession? What Recession? Minneapolis Mortgage Perspective

Greetings Everyone,

As I settle into my second cup of coffee and look over the 'to do list' for the day, I felt it was important to let all of the Uptown Financial Corp. ( extended family have a bit of an insight into the wonderful world of the Minneapolis Housing Market.

As a whole, I believe the Minneapolis Real Estate Market will continue to be strong in the areas of great location. has an obvious affinity for the Uptown Minneapolis Lakes area---but truly believe it will be a strong market for years to come---simply based off the fact of the abundance of nature and forward thinking in the area.

The markets as a whole are extremely Mental. It continually amazes me the amount of influence the mind set of the public has on a Economic market as a whole. In my mind, the Economy is simply a collective bundle of public perception about what the world is doing. As the headlines change, so will the psycheeee of our day to day lives.

Recently, during a trip to Mexico----Tulum to be exact---I read a Buddha quote scribed on a wall and it really struck a cord with me.

It Read:

We Are What We Think,

All That We Are,

Arises With our Thoughts.

With our Thoughts,

We Make The World

In my eyes, the Minneapolis Housing Market and the markets of Hot Vacation Spots such as Brainerd lakes area, Whitefish Chain of Lakes, Crosslake, Costa Rica, Colorado Mountain locations etc. Will always be coveted.
The lure of the Lakes, Mountains and the Ocean will never leave regardless of what doom and gloom the state of the public is in. Guess, the lesson of the day is to simply try and cheer up your neighbor, remind him spring is coming, the snow is melting and the birds will soon be chirping in their care free way.
We at tend to create positive situations for our clients to understand the perspectives of the marketplace. As there is always risk in the marketplace---now is a great time to start building your wealth in Real Estate---via Minneapolis, Brainerd lakes area or Costa Rica properties----the rental pool will continue to expand and the sun will continue to rise!!!
Take care,
Ben Coulter

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